The Fourth RTD Framework Programme - 1994-1998

During the period 1994-1998, European Union RTD activities were carried out under the Fourth Framework Programme (FP4) and the parallel Euratom Framework Programme covering research and training activities conducted in the nuclear sector.

The total budget for both EC and Euratom Framework Programmes amounted to ECU 13,215 million (EC: ECU 11,879 million, Euratom: ECU 1,336 million).

Access the web services for each of the specific programmes implementing FP4. Detailed information on research implemented under FP4 can also be found in the CORDIS databases.

Information and Communications Technologies

Industrial Technologies


Life Sciences and Technologies


Research & Training in the Nuclear Sector


Targeted Socio-Economic Research

Cooperation with Third Countries and International Organisations

Dissemination and Exploitation of Results

Stimulation of the training and mobility of researchers

Last Updated: 26th April 2000
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